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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Now the animated music video of 2NE1’s ‘Hate You’ has been released!


This is my thought of the MV:
When I posted this video, I did not watch it yet, I was able to watch it later on, and because it seems I wasn’t able to grasp the story, I watch it again. When I watched it, specially the first part, I thought there was more to it than four bounty hunters chasing a criminal. But then boom! The video ended by killing the criminal. I wasn’t able to control the urge to comment, so I posted my comment on YouTube regarding the matter. Well, when I was watching the part when the villain had an encounter with Dara, they looked in each others eyes and it seems there’s something there. Like a connection or something. I don’t know. The girl even looked so helpless when the four are chasing her.
I thought the story goes like this: ‘She was once one of them, and for some reason, she walked out and went her own way. And then their Big Boss released an order to kill her because she betrayed them, and sent her former allies. But then, since they had been together for a very long time and they really are close friends, I thought the four won’t kill her and just let her go’.
But they killed her mercilessly. I can’t even relate the part when she transformed into a gigantic monster when Bom shot her, then turns back to her original form when Minzy shoots her again. And when she’s back to her poor self, CL even  kicked her with a ‘Serves you right’ expression.
Since I couldn’t contain my curiosity why the MV turned out like that, I googled and binged for the translation of the lyrics, but for heaven’s sake, I couldn’t even find a decent translation! So I guess I’m still left with a question of a big WHY?.

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