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Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm Back! and so is our BIGBANG!!!!

I am currently on the second day of my off lazily browsing for a manga to read online while Big Bang’s new Special Edition Album as my soundtrack  but my eyes got droopy and really tired.  I thought it’s time to shut my laptop down (I had it opened since yesterday so it’s been suffering for about more than 48 hours already) and get some sleep. (I haven’t had any decent sleep either ‘coz I finished watching Dream High) Man! I really don’t like the ending. The story has been twisted. Taec is supposed to be Suzy’s partner don’t you think? Anyway, that’s not the point why I got my mind in writing this. And while going any further, I would just like to say, (if ever anyone cares that is) that the reason I haven’t updated my blog for the past couple of months is because I lost the will to it. I don’t know, I just don’t feel like writing anymore since I don’t really have something to write about. Well here I am. While contemplating on what to do next, I suddenly thought of my blog which I haven’t updated in like -- forever. There are so many things that happened in the world of K-pop already—like “The Boys” had released their album TONIGHT and got excellent reviews and ratings. It even got to the top of every chart in a very short period of time. Can you believe they even got to the #3 spot on the Billboard chart?! Ah..I’m so proud of them.So I really wanna talk about them right now...Haha, seems that at this moment, I got my adrenalin flowing through every vein in my body. Suddenly I felt so inspired..LOL.

Honestly, when Tonight was officially released, I didn’t like it much so I’m rather disappointed. And adding the fact that they included some of their previous tracks there, I really condemned YG for it. How could have they include old songs when Big Bang has been in hiatus for two years! They should have selected the best of the best track there is! Those are my thoughts before. But thinking it now, I grew to love Tonight and the other tracks as well and I thought, well, it’s not really that bad at all. Haha. Hey, I can change opinion too! For me, “first impression lasts” doesn’t work.Nah nah.
 Now that they released a Special Edition of the album, adding three new tracks, (Love Song, Stupid Liar, Baby Don’t Cry) it’s like my eyes have finally opened to the light. (I guess you can compare it to how Adan and Eve had their eyes opened when they ate the forbidden apple) Eh! Sounds creepy! Anyways, I fell in love w/ those new tracks. Seems that it has a new feeling on the melody. Baby Don’t cry is different from their other songs.. When I first listened to it, I wanted to cry, but of course I didn’t. It doesn’t have a rap as well which is very unusual for Big Bang since they are known for being like that. Almost all of their songs have a rap on it since their leader and composer is a rapper and it feels like kind of off when their song doesn’t have it. But this song? OMG! I can only say that it’s perfect! Stupid Liar and Love Song are very catchy too! I love every bit of it. A combination of electronic rhythm with a unique modern rock feel that is sure to set off another trend in the world of K-pop. 
The wait is really worth it. YGE and Big Bang, thank you so much.  You’ve worked so hard to give us the best of the best, and as a VIP myself, I’m very satisfied. No, I’m more than very satisfied. Continue to give us inspiration. And BTW, congratulations in renewing your contract with YGE for another five years. To BIGBANG, more success!

1 comment:

kpop addict said...

i think it's billboard korea sis.. hahaha!!! snsd even got the 1st which is bot suppposed to be.. iiisshh!!! hate it!