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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's Nice to be Back---Baby S' mini album

Hello peepz!!! I know, it’s been a long time since my last post and I really regret not updating this page...Haist! I’ve really been very busy; blame it for the anime and Korean drama series marathons... Anyways, here I am again...Of course I don’t want to miss bragging with pride our very own Seungri, who is very successful with the release of his album... Congratulations Baby! You deserve your success more than anyone...!

Admit it! Together with Big Bang, Seungri doesn’t stand out much compared to T.O.P, G-Dragon, and Taeyang, but look what his solo album made him! He became like a very different person to me... Not in the sense that his ‘head became so suddenly big ’ and got overwhelmed by his success, but in the sense that he became so charming and adorable and mature... Oh, I really can’t find the right words to describe it... I just feel that this is just the beginning of his feat...and that he will continue to climb higher and higher until the world recognizes his potential and talent...Is it too deep? OH! I don’t know, I may be wrong, but I would like to believe that I’m correct...
She is a very lucky bitch but didn’t know it. How could he reject someone as cool as Baby S? Well, she doesn’t deserve him anyway so never mind. Baby S is really so cool in this music video, although I can say that at some point, he dances like Baby T—but it’s okay, it’s not like they are the same person anyway...

Our Baby S is not a boy anymore... How lucky this girl is don't ya think?
Baby S, these past years, you've grown so much...and I hope that you will continue to grow... Don't be blinded by success--continue to be YOU... We, as V.I.P.'s will continue to support you until the end... We love you Baby S...

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